
Showing posts from November, 2019


19/11/19 So this week was a bit of a confusing one. On the schedule they printed off for me, I thought I had a week off! Which was brilliant for me because I still have a chest/viral infection thing. So I was like brilliant a recover week!  But as of my oncology appointment on 18/11 she was like no you got chemo & it’s a double whammy. Both paclitaxol and carboplatin! Yay. I have lost 5kg from chemo, don’t know how because all I feel I do is eat to combat the sickness. But where I’ve had this cold/chest thing it’s been getting me down so I probably haven’t eaten enough! They aren’t concerned about it but I know weight loss is a thing they do worry about. I ain’t worried because I could do with loosing some more kg for the wedding! 😂 So here we go. Unexpected Round 4!  Check out that bald spot!  20/11/19 Symptoms so far have just consisted of feeling nauseous all the time. That mid limbo - am I gonna be sick or not! & the tiredness has be...

I did the chop.

So today I was absolutely in the right frame mind set to just go in and get my hair clipped short. I was absolutely fed up with just reams and reams coming out. I know it was going to fall out eventually but I was so fed up with filling my sink up.  Plus I found my hair was just getting matted and if I tied it up, when I took the ponytail out it would just stay in that position and it was so dead.  So I did it.  We originally did a grade 8, but that was too long. So we took more and more off and eventually I settled for a grade 4. I think I will go smaller again. But you can see in the bottom right photo the bald patches I have that were beginning to come through.  I’m slowly starting to get used to the feeling but it’s still shredding lots. More like a porcupine hahah but it’s easier to manage. My head was bloody cold though!  It’s a big decision to go ahead and cut your hair short/clipper it. But it’s how I felt the process would be easier. I had...


12/11/19 Fortunately my bloods were all good for me to have chemotherapy this week. I had a rather relative chilled day today, normally I have to have bloods done in the AM, but they did them all yesterday when I was at the hospital. So I had a nice chill morning before my appointment! After my chemotherapy I didn’t really have any symptoms, felt a bit out of it because of the antihistamines and steroids they gave me. But apart from that, the darned chesty cough is the killer!  13/11/19 Symptoms wise today was awful. I felt quite nauseous and also very snotty. I have a chest infection so that’s not helping. When I’m resting I should be sleeping, but I can’t because I’m coughing my absolute guts up and can’t breathe! I think symptoms wise, most of my feelings are because of the chest infection and not the actual chemotherapy.  I have noticed that my hair is starting to fall out a little bit more. Not a lot, but more than...


05/11/19 Round 2 baby!!!! Today is just the Paclitaxol so hopefully I shouldn’t be as long down the hospital. It’s interesting the oncology ward. You’d think, it would be a quiet place where everyone looks so poorly. But it’s not. Everyone is  smiling, they look friendly and it’s busy with the sound of lines going off.  The nurse came round and took an amazing history from me last week asking how I felt! I had good advice from a friend of mine to keep a notebook for each day. What medication you have to take and also how you feel both mentally and physically. So when I go see my oncologist or the nursing I can mention any weird side effects I have had! It also will help me remember what tablets I need to take. The horrible feeling that I had last week apparently is due to the fact I had a double whammy of chemo. She is confident that I will not feel as bad as I did last week, which is reassuring to hear. I did mention that the Filgratism injection leaves me very achy, wh...


29/10/19 Today is round 1/12. Paclitaxol & Carboplatin. I am so anxious today it’s unreal, I feel like I need a cigarette to calm my nerves but never actually smoked. The infusion itself wasn’t as bad. The nurse explained every drug that was going in to me prior as you have to have a lot of pre-meds before the infusion begins. They first of all did a flush line of my PICC for 25mins of just saline. They then give a cocktail of medication. One is an antihistamine, and some  steroids to help with the sickness/lining of the stomach. This is all infused into my drip. They also give another type to line the stomach and another type of anti-sickness in tablet form. After all the premeds have done, they then do another flush of the line which takes about 20/25mins. After that they hooked up bag 1. Bag 1 takes about an hour to go through the body, so we binged on some Netflix and I played some games on my phone. I felt quite drowsy because of the antihistamine and just ensures th...