
Showing posts from September, 2019

So this weekend, I told

So telling people is one of the hardest things.  Explaining that actually you may/may not be around in the next few months whilst you battle constant hospital appointments etc. & then the inevitable chemotherapy starting. I mean how will people react if I rock up at the local and I have no hair/wig/head scarf.  My lads, who are 4 guys who have been my friends since school and I went to dinner on the 27th. I had spoken to them on the phone individually and explained what was going on but I want to see them all.  My closest lad, Matt, who is normally the joker of the group, was beside himself. I love him dearly but when he starts to cry, I can’t handle it and I want to cry.  I haven’t had much of a chance to cry, I guess because I have been working full time and also being a mum and a fiancée etc and trying to keep the house afloat. But I couldn’t help but shrewd a tear tonight at dinner.  I promised him that I was okay, and that everything is going to...

Pancake day - bit late.

So today I had to endure my first ever mammogram. Safe to say my small B cup boobs, never looked so flat - like a pancake. 🥞  Unfortunately because of how bruised my boob is, the radiologist did say that sometimes is can affect the chances of a clear mammogram scan. She did comment how butchered my boob looked but to be honest I have tried not to look at it or poke it.  But here is the extent of the bruising from my biopsy. That was done almost 2 weeks ago! it’s definitely a lot better then it certainly was. But still friggin hurts.  The mammogram was an experience to say the least.  Everyone warned me how painful they were and how uncomfortable they were but never actually thought that having a massive bruised boob squashed in 2 plastic trays was a highlight. Again you leave your dignity at the door and pick it up after. The radiographer was amazing, she explained everything and was gentle when handling my Boobs. Yes. She handled them. Like sweeping h...

I’m talking natural.

This has been the longest week ever. I thought the leadup to me going to Florida in 2012 was agonising but this has been the worse.  Today we had another hospital appointment to see the Breast dR for the results of my biopsy. My bruise is getting ridiculous and still so painful. PICTURE. So I was really glad when she did an examination on it. NOT.  She confirmed that the biopsy showed cancerous cells and then started talking through the different options. All which sounded so friggin confusing.  Option 1 - have elective mastectomy now and then chemotherapy and possible radiotherapy afterwards.  Pros - elective mastectomy will take that 95% risk I have of getting breast cancer again away.  Cons - undergoing chemotherapy after reduces your immune system, so therefore wounds that are left could potentially easily become infected. They also wouldn’t immediately do rebuild if going down the route of radiotherapy because that can damage the new ‘made’ boobs. ...

Friday 13th - unlucky for some.

It all started with a normal Monday morning 09-09 to be precise. Erin woke up, got into our bed for our morning family cuddle. The impending doom of work at 8:30 today for 45minutes full of staff training was upon me. I thought i best have my shower now before Erin gets too needy and wont let me go.  Jump in shower, having a whale of a time singing out loud. Thought I'd better have a check of my breast as i usually do every week and BOOM. I felt a lump. It felt more like a mass I guess, not perfectly spherical. But unusual. Where the frick has this come from? I checked a week ago and nothing... Must be because I'm due on and hormonal, my boobs hurt etc etc. All the usual signs.  I ask the other half, feel this lump? His response? Meh feels like a normal boob. They really don't know do they? I phoned the GP and they said can you come back at 9:30 today? Carry on my morning routine, drive to work, let the manager know etc etc. Arrive at GP surgery, she has a feel and sa...

Leave your dignity at the door, and pick it up as you leave

I suppose I better start off and explain a bit about me before I start blabbering on.  I’m Kayleigh! *wave!* I’m 28 years old, about to be 29! 😬 I have a wonderful fiancé, who I have been with (fb official) since 31-12-2015! We are due to get married on 28-07-2020. We have a beautiful baby girl called Erin Olivia, who was born on 31-07-2017, 2 years exactly to the date her father and I had our first date!  This is my family unit, James, Erin and Myself. This photo was taken on 08-09-2019 in a little family walk in the woods! James and my relationship, started off as nothing but a bit of fun back in 2015, we used to lark around together and conveniently bump into each other in the same pub and end up staying on out late together.  Things started changing when in the December 2015, I kept having issues with bleeding after ‘you know’ which was uncommon for me. I reached out to my GP, who performed my first smear test. The results of that came back a bit dodgy...