I’m talking natural.

This has been the longest week ever. I thought the leadup to me going to Florida in 2012 was agonising but this has been the worse. 

Today we had another hospital appointment to see the Breast dR for the results of my biopsy. My bruise is getting ridiculous and still so painful. PICTURE. So I was really glad when she did an examination on it. NOT. 

She confirmed that the biopsy showed cancerous cells and then started talking through the different options. All which sounded so friggin confusing. 

Option 1 - have elective mastectomy now and then chemotherapy and possible radiotherapy afterwards. 
  • Pros - elective mastectomy will take that 95% risk I have of getting breast cancer again away. 
  • Cons - undergoing chemotherapy after reduces your immune system, so therefore wounds that are left could potentially easily become infected. They also wouldn’t immediately do rebuild if going down the route of radiotherapy because that can damage the new ‘made’ boobs. So could have nice new boobs, and then undergo radiotherapy and then damage the boobs.
Option 2 - a lumpectomy to remove the cancer and then chemo etc etc 
  • Pros - cancer gets removed quite quickly, I’ll still have some boobs for the wedding, quite quick procedure.
  • Cons - still having that 95% chance of getting it again. Will leave an odd shape to my right boob as the cancer is about 4/5cm, so a diver in the boob of that big.
Option 3 - attack the cancer now with chemotherapy and then after I am cancer free and after the wedding THEN go down the route of mastectomy and rebuild once all in remission
  • Pros - getting the chemotherapy underway now will help stop any further issues arising
  • Cons - I’m going to be having chemotherapy for the next 6months at minimum and I will indefinitely not have hair for the wedding.
Like what do you go for? So many options? So many choices? I know you have the wigs and scarfs etc etc but if I told you I have grown my hair for the last 2 years for my wedding then that’s why deep down I’m crying! It’s never been this long before, I’m talking natural, not extensions. 

Already my head is a mind field and I don’t know what is going on. Luckily James and my mum are there so any missed information I have backup. 

So there we go. That’s the decisions I now have to make! Or consider! 

It’s confirmed - I have breast cancer! 

I think logically it makes sense to start chemotherapy straight away. Doesn’t make it any easier or simpler to say it. And when I mentioned that as an option, the DR informed me
That it will be happening in the next 2/3 weeks. 

Firstly she gave me more leaflets, more information.

Referred me to a fertility clinic to consider freezing my eggs as we expressed interest in having another child at some point. 

Next steps: 
Referral for a mammogram.
Referral for a CT scan.
Referral for a MRI scan.
Appointment with oncology team. 


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