Unexpected phone call.
So thought I’d go for lunch today with Erin and my friend.
Get my phone out my bag! Phone call from hospital! They left a voicemail saying can you call back the breast services team please ASAP.
Oh shit.
They’ve changed their mind haven’t they.
Phoned them immediately back and they offered me an appointment next day for my surgical consultation.
I was discharged from chemotherapy like not even 48hours ago!!!
So I have my appointment tomorrow at 3:20pm!
Holy crap!
Get my phone out my bag! Phone call from hospital! They left a voicemail saying can you call back the breast services team please ASAP.
Oh shit.
They’ve changed their mind haven’t they.
Phoned them immediately back and they offered me an appointment next day for my surgical consultation.
I was discharged from chemotherapy like not even 48hours ago!!!
So I have my appointment tomorrow at 3:20pm!
Holy crap!
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