Pancake day - bit late.

So today I had to endure my first ever mammogram.
Safe to say my small B cup boobs, never looked so flat - like a pancake. 🥞 

Unfortunately because of how bruised my boob is, the radiologist did say that sometimes is can affect the chances of a clear mammogram scan. She did comment how butchered my boob looked but to be honest I have tried not to look at it or poke it. 

But here is the extent of the bruising from my biopsy. That was done almost 2 weeks ago! it’s definitely a lot better then it certainly was. But still friggin hurts. 

The mammogram was an experience to say the least. 
Everyone warned me how painful they were and how uncomfortable they were but never actually thought that having a massive bruised boob squashed in 2 plastic trays was a highlight. Again you leave your dignity at the door and pick it up after.

The radiographer was amazing, she explained everything and was gentle when handling my
Boobs. Yes. She handled them. Like sweeping her hands under and over and lifting and placing and everything you could imagine to perfectly position them. When she started to push the button to lower the padded I could feel almost as if my boob was going to pop. She stopped the plate from moving down, had a quick rearrange last minute and then continued to push the paddle more. She said. “Hold your position and your breath.” Image done, then she rotated the paddle more round to get a side view. And repeated on my other boob. 

When she lifted the paddle off, it felt amazing, like instant relief. 

It’s funny because although I knew I had the BRCA mutated gene, they don’t offer any screening at all. No mammograms whatsoever. I feel this definitely needs to change, lower the age limit because look. Here I am, 28years old and I have breast cancer. Had I not of known I had this lump, or didn’t check myself, I wouldn’t of known. Then what.. 

The same goes for cervical screening. 25 is too late I think! I get that cervical cancer is rare in under 25yr olds but the idea of Smears is all about prevention and making sure that Abnormal cells aren’t left untreated, as they take at least 10 yrs to potentially turn into a cancer. But still, if people are prone to catching HPV (human papillomavirus) from sexual contact, the legal age of consent is 16, but there are still people under 16 that are having sexual intercourse. So surely that is a r for lowering the age? Even to 20? Regular screening? Making people aware of the symptoms during school ‘sex ed’ sessions. I wasn’t aware of the signs and symptoms. I just went to the GP thinking may need to change my contraception.


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