14 weeks post chemotherapy!

It’s been 14 weeks since my last chemotherapy. I know I’m a bit late to the party, but I have been trying to heal and recover from my last surgery. I can’t believe that during this Coronavirus ‘lockdown’ how quick time is actually going. It’s already been 3 weeks since my emergency mastectomy surgery. 


So since my last post. I still haven’t had a period. I truly wonder how long it will take until my body gets back to normal. Not that I’m rushing to have my period again, but I’m generally interested when it will happen again. Due to the BRCA gene I have, that leaves me a high risk for both Breast & Ovarian cancer. So they have recommended that I do have an oophorectomy to remove my ovaries once I have finished my family. Removing the ovaries the biggest side effect is menopause. Early menopause. At not even 30. Usually menopause happens between the ages of 45-55. 
Side effects of the menopause :

  • hot flushes 
  • Night sweats
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Reduced libido
  • Vagina dryness (yeah I went there)
  • Headaches
  • Mood changes
  • Heart palpitations 
Like that’s a lot of side effects!

So yeah in a way I can’t wait for a period to happen. But then I think why should I bother when I don’t think we will be able to have another child? 

Does hurt my heart a little bit that we have had to have that conversation and I’m all for, but the other half not so much. So I may have to consider the option above of an oophorectomy earlier. But we shall see what happens going forward. I’m not saying it won’t happen, but I really would like to have another child, but if I can’t, at least I have one! 


Fatigue is a weird one. I actually thought my body would of slightly adjusted but I still have days when I have 0 energy, but then there are some when I do. I don’t know if being on lockdown and not being able to leave the house is helping with the fatigue. I know when you are bored you feel more tired, and when your not doing as much exercise you feel lousy and lethargic?  

Hair Growth 

Well this is the one. I mean look at that! All of a sudden it has sprouted and gone very long. I can almost run my fingers through my hair. It feels thick and it luckily has come back much the same colour, it does look slightly lighter then my normal colour, but then I have dyed it a lot since I was about 15, so who knows what my real colour is!

I’m not sure if it looks curly or not, there are some patches of real ‘eave’ but then some days it looks straight! I wonder in the next 4 weeks how it will turn! 

Also you can really see my cow lick!

I also see this growth as a blessing, I mean although saddening that our wedding for this year has been postponed, but I mean hopefully by next year it will be so much longer that it may be long enough for extensions, or be able to be styled better! 


Well, they are surviving! Since lockdown, my gel has come off and I was genuinely surprised at how they looked compared to before! My toe nails have also started growing back as well, I am definitely not taking a photo of those because I do not ‘do feet’ and I don’t want my toes on display. 😂

I’m so surprised at how quick they have grown! But here is my fingernails! 


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