4 weeks post chemotherapy!

It’s been 4 weeks & a few days since my last chemotherapy. 

A lot of people worry about how long it takes for things to get back to normal. Like hair growth, periods, mood, tiredness, any other symptoms. 

So now I’m going to log every 4 weeks ish, what’s going on in the realm of ‘normal’ life. 


Yeah, I’d like to say I miss it. But I don’t.. As chemotherapy destroys cancer cells it can also affect any cells that grow and divide rapidly – this includes cells in the ovaries. This can affect the functioning of the ovaries, reducing the number & quality of eggs. Hence the Zoladex injections to help preserve my ovaries incase of wanting another child. Some women do continue having periods throughout treatment but my oncologist did advise me that it is common for periods to stop which can be temporary or permanent. They may restart again at the end, or even months/years later. 


I honestly can safely say that I feel not as tired as I did when I was on treatment. I know that when I am tired and go to bed, I sleep all night. Apart from the odd hot flush or needing a wee. My head hits the pillow and I am out for the night! They do say, that some types of cancer drugs, fatigue may go on for weeks or months after finishing treatment.

Hair Growth 

Well my eyebrows are still EXTREMELY PATCHY. I have booked in for a consultation with a lovely lady who does Microblading, to see what she recommends because this is becoming a bit of an unfavourable thing. My armpit hairs, sadly coming back. I have noticed that they are very wispy hairs though. Like baby hair.. Leg hair, not a lot going on in that department. My legs are more bumpy though, like as if the hair follicle is underneath. Down there hair... well that’s not growing back. Fingers crossed it doesn’t because it will save me a fortune in waxing 😂 jokes, I don’t wax. But if you did, it would save you good money. 

But my head hair. Wow. I try not to look at my bald head. Because I hate it. I regret not having cold cap therapy or at least trying it. And I feel pig ugly. But anyway. Look at this little growth. 

I see you little hairs! You keep growing. 


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