

This was chemo number 6! Just the one bag this week! This is my face when I realised that I have now accomplished 6sessions of chemotherapy. And now I’m on the other side of that hill! 

In today’s session my dad came and joined me as unfortunately my Grandad is in hospital and he’s quite poorly. So it was nice to have my dad there! He joked that my Chemo should be replaced with rum. 

I mean the side effects are the same as a bad hangover. Nauseous, tired, sick, upset tummy. And you definitely feel drunk when they give you all the pre-medication because it makes you a bit woozy! 

This cough that I have is still holding me back ALOT. It’s keeping me awake at night and it’s straining my voice still. I’m not sure if it’s related to my heart medication, because everyone keeps saying heart meds give you a cough. But this is a chesty cough & not a dry cough. I do have an appointment this week about my heart failure. And I am going to the GP today, to see if there is anything they will do. 


GP said it’s to do with my heart medication.. So they have advised me to speak to my heart failure nurse. They have referred me to have a chest X-ray done but they can’t hear any rattling. She’s not sure why my voice has gone. 

Surprise surprise. Heart failure nurse said it’s to do with my chest not my medication. So back to square one. This is the exhausting thing because you feel like you are being passed from person to person! 

Today I had my follow up heart ultrasound to check how my heart is. 
Symptoms wise after the chemo yesterday, I feel okay. No real nauseous feeling and I haven’t been sick.
This dam cough is driving me insane and getting me down now! 

Today I went to work, well. I have been going to work. But I managed to go to work today. It felt nice to get out, have some adult conversation. I was doing some admin work today, so to keep myself away from the germs of the public! I also have a family meal tonight with my brother and sister in law, cousin and her boyfriend and my fiancé. I am so looking forward to it! 
Symptoms wise, I felt a bit sick today, but I have taken my anti-sickness because I don’t want to be ill tonight. It seems to have worked because I haven’t been sick! I also have eaten and grazed a lot to help keep the sickness at bay. This cough/lack of voice is still driving me insane. 

Managed another day at work today, I am certainly feeling the tiredness today. But again, another admin day keeping myself busy and most importantly earning money! When I’m well enough, I work. 

A lot of people comment on that and say I should consider giving up work for 6months because it’s too risky. Ok I get the risky bit, because I caught a cold as a result of me being at work and I’m still suffering now. But I don’t know how people can do that mentally! I mean my mind is a whirlpool at the best of times, but then being stuck in that home same four walls drives me mad. Erin’s at nursery, so I don’t exactly have her to keep me entertained. Jim’s at work. Friends at work. There’s only so much you can do before you go insane. So I work for that reason! Another factor is money! I need money to pay bills, and if I don’t work I don’t get money!! 

Symptoms wise, I’m good. No sickness. I definitely prefer these weeks I have 1 bag of chemotherapy! 

Symptoms wise we are all good. No sickness, no nauseous.
Update on cough - still present and friggin annoying! 

Managed another day at work today! But this cough has damaged me most of last night! I am anxiously waiting for my appointment with my oncologist on Monday because I know that means a double week is coming up!!! 

Symptoms from chemo - absolutely fine!
Symptoms from cough - bullshit!


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