
Chemotherapy on Christmas Eve can you even imagine? I would of thought Christmas Eve, I’d be spending the day doing last minute bits. In the afternoon picking Erin up from nursery and then watching Christmas films eating chocolate. Have a nice bubble bath together and then put on our pj’s and leave our mince pie, carrot and milk for Santa.
But first of all chemo! 9/12!
On the countdown to finishing now!
This is my view today, 2 empty chairs! It is surprisingly quiet down here today.
Today my daddy joined me for my session. Luckily it’s just the 1 bag so I am going to be feeling relatively human over Christmas!
I have unfortunately got a water infection so had to go to the GP today to pick up some antibiotics. I thought it was a bit of cystitis but I took those gross sachet and they haven’t done the trick. This is standard routine for Kayleigh. When I’m feeling run down, I get psoriasis and a UTI. Been the same for at least 10years the UTI side of things!
I haven’t really updated my blog over Christmas because I have tried to spend my Christmas and birthday with my family.
Symptoms wise over Christmas I’ll explain.
- Christmas Day was relatively good! I was tired which is normal and had no sickness! We had an early ish start with Erin waking up at 7:30 and she had slept the night too and no coughing/sick. Uninterrupted sleep? What is this new me? We had a busy day, where we went to my dads in the morning for breakfast and nibbles, followed by my mums for Christmas lunch and then for afternoon we were at my other half’s sisters. So ALOT of rushing around. We made it home for the Christmas special of Gavin & Stacey though. To which I did pour a glass of wine! I was knackered by this point and as soon as it was over I went straight to bed!
- Boxing Day was a write off day, I think today was the worse day by far. I didn’t have any sickness, but I was just exhausted. I felt like I had been hit by a bus and my body was aching from head to toes. It was either a symptom of treatment, me coming down with the lurgy that the household has just got or just genuinely knackered. We had a lazy AM and I even had a 3hour nap before going to Jim’s sisters for more food. I probably have eaten my weight in food!
- My birthday was a good ish day. Unfortunately James was working, but I was taken to lunch by my friends and Erin and then I was done for the evening. Again no symptoms that are crazy different to write about! I feel knackered and so much so, I fell asleep on the sofa for the 3rd night running! James has a bad cold, so I have spent a lot of the night semi awake with him as he coughing and spluttering everywhere lol!
But alongside the no symptoms to write home about, I have had some weird new ones.
I have been getting some numb/tingly feeling in my fingertips. It probably started Christmas Day night. I thought I had burnt them which sounds weird as the tips of my fingers have felt like they have been burnt. It’s an odd thing to try and explain. Every one of my fingers hurts and to touch things it is sensitive! Seems like nerve damage? Which I know is common with chemotherapy. Again I’m going to mention it to my on
I also have had some odd rashes appear on the top of my hands. See pic - I have been putting on E45 cream, as I don’t know if I’ve had a reaction to something? Or it could be psoriasis? I used to get psoriasis on my scalp and it would flare up if I felt ‘run down’ and would sometimes appear on my legs and elbows when I’m really run down! I also get a water infection too! Which I do have!? But I will ask my oncologist on Monday if it is all linked!
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