It feels so good to say that I’m over the halfway point!
It has gone incredibly quick!
This is my face when the realisation is that it is a double whammy of chemotherapy! Paclitaxol and Carboplatin!
I’m hoping that my oncologist remembers the conversation and is able to give me the stronger dose of anti sickness medication when I take my weekly pills home.
This week I have my works Christmas party on Saturday and I’d really like to be able to go and have some fun with my work lot. Plus I have paid a lot of my partner so I’ll be annoyed if I don’t go!
Systems were agogo today as normal. White bloods, dropped from last week but still within a safe limit to go ahead with treatment. Prior to treatment today, I am feeling absolutely knackered and tired. Still have a slight remnant cough from this weird chest infection. But I did have a chest X-ray today to see if anything showing on there. My oncologist did say yesterday it probably is just because of a viral thing, and because my immune system gets knocked back every week there is no recovery! So we will see what chest X-ray brings up, if anything. I have been at work more too, so I am feeling the pinch of being tired from work. But not that I’ve been overdoing it, just my brain is working and it hasn’t really. Let’s hope that this week is all good and the stronger anti sickness helps!
Today I have my MRI and they are also going to do the CT today to save me coming back next week! The scan will be used to see how much the tumour has shrunk. I won’t get the results straight away, but when I’m due to see the oncologist on the 30/12/19 I should have more information then about what is going on.
I must admit symptoms wise, apart from feeling really tired and lethargic I’m not feeling that bad. I was given the stronger anti sickness medication, which is good and I’ve been taking them as they said so maybe that’s keeping me at bay from being sick!
But it was major effort to get up and get dressed to go to hospital today.
Today was major effort. I feel like I have been hit by a bus. I have as much energy as a gnat but thankful no sickness!
I have had a bit of reaching and wretching but that’s was when I was hungry, so I just have a snack and it seems to make it go away.
I feel like this bastard cold has come back, I’m coughing more than ever and feel very uncomfortable with my chest. I’m just going to make sure I stay warm and wrap up when I do go out! I didn’t manage work today, just about managed getting Erin to nursery this morning. But it’s fine, I’ve just had a chill out day at home!
Clearly listening to your body is key. After my chilled day yesterday of not doing very much, I had a lot more energy today and I managed to go to work. As I was working in the lab, it’s a bit more calmer and not so hectic as actual work. But I feel like I have accomplished something rather than doing nothing.
Symptom wise I’m feeling good!! I haven’t had sickness as much as the last double. I am slightly Anxious about these tablets though, because the common side effect is constipation. So I am trying to make sure I eat plenty of fruit and drink water so I don’t have to take any laxatives. The nurse did say, it is common for patients to get this with these tablets.
Today I only took the 1 tablet - clearly a big mistake because I got to the car as I was leaving work and started reaching and wretching. I also had no snacks on me whatsoever, and had to go get Erin from nursery and get her home before I could eat something.
Today is the day I felt the most knackered. By far. Erin has a stinking cold and has still not been sleeping. And tonight is my Christmas party. Typical timing!
Symptoms wise apart from being knackered, I feel okay. My stomach is starting to feel a bit full and uncomfortable so I guess I should probably take some tablets to help maybe with the constipation. Because I have a lush 3 course meal tonight and a dress to wear. But I don’t feel that sick which is a good sign!
Luckily Erin did have a good 3 hour nap today, so I managed to get some sleep too! The other half even said go to bed with headphones in (so uncomfortable) so if she wakes up you can still sleep. What. A. Babe.
Getting ready for the work do was an absolute chore. Putting make up on, drawing eyebrows, making yourself look decent and not spotty is hard work. But it’s my wigs first proper outing tonight, going to leave the headscarf at home!
But here is a pic of me and James all dolled up for the works Christmas do! Which i had such a fun time! I ate lots and danced and partied with my work family!
I must admit wearing a wig is hot work. My head was absolutely sweating all night! Every time I went to the toilet I took it off and let my brain breathe!
I did have a glass of champagne as we arrived and did try a gin, but it gave me such bad heartburn. The oncologist said alcohol on chemotherapy can have weird side effects, so I think it’s fair to say, that gin and me were not friends that night! So I stuck to lemonade and water but had a good time nonetheless!
Until I got home. Then the fun began, because no sooner had we walked in the door. Erin was awake. So from 1am - 3:30am she was not a happy bunny. Work tomorrow is going to be a barrel of laughs!
Work today was not a barrel of laughs! I am so tired, I can’t even think straight. Luckily I’m not working with patients because I would definitely make some mistakes or some fool of myself! I cannot wait to go home at 5 and go straight to bed.. Well as soon as Erin is asleep obviously.
Symptoms wise apart from feeling like I’ve been hit by a bus and knackered I am okay. No sickness, no nauseous feeling but I am incredibly acidy. Which may be the 1 single gin I had last night!
I wish I had the stronger anti sickness tablets when I had the last two double doses because that would of definitely helped me more!
It has gone incredibly quick!
This is my face when the realisation is that it is a double whammy of chemotherapy! Paclitaxol and Carboplatin!
I’m hoping that my oncologist remembers the conversation and is able to give me the stronger dose of anti sickness medication when I take my weekly pills home.
This week I have my works Christmas party on Saturday and I’d really like to be able to go and have some fun with my work lot. Plus I have paid a lot of my partner so I’ll be annoyed if I don’t go!
Systems were agogo today as normal. White bloods, dropped from last week but still within a safe limit to go ahead with treatment. Prior to treatment today, I am feeling absolutely knackered and tired. Still have a slight remnant cough from this weird chest infection. But I did have a chest X-ray today to see if anything showing on there. My oncologist did say yesterday it probably is just because of a viral thing, and because my immune system gets knocked back every week there is no recovery! So we will see what chest X-ray brings up, if anything. I have been at work more too, so I am feeling the pinch of being tired from work. But not that I’ve been overdoing it, just my brain is working and it hasn’t really. Let’s hope that this week is all good and the stronger anti sickness helps!
Today I have my MRI and they are also going to do the CT today to save me coming back next week! The scan will be used to see how much the tumour has shrunk. I won’t get the results straight away, but when I’m due to see the oncologist on the 30/12/19 I should have more information then about what is going on.
I must admit symptoms wise, apart from feeling really tired and lethargic I’m not feeling that bad. I was given the stronger anti sickness medication, which is good and I’ve been taking them as they said so maybe that’s keeping me at bay from being sick!
But it was major effort to get up and get dressed to go to hospital today.
Today was major effort. I feel like I have been hit by a bus. I have as much energy as a gnat but thankful no sickness!
I have had a bit of reaching and wretching but that’s was when I was hungry, so I just have a snack and it seems to make it go away.
I feel like this bastard cold has come back, I’m coughing more than ever and feel very uncomfortable with my chest. I’m just going to make sure I stay warm and wrap up when I do go out! I didn’t manage work today, just about managed getting Erin to nursery this morning. But it’s fine, I’ve just had a chill out day at home!
Clearly listening to your body is key. After my chilled day yesterday of not doing very much, I had a lot more energy today and I managed to go to work. As I was working in the lab, it’s a bit more calmer and not so hectic as actual work. But I feel like I have accomplished something rather than doing nothing.
Symptom wise I’m feeling good!! I haven’t had sickness as much as the last double. I am slightly Anxious about these tablets though, because the common side effect is constipation. So I am trying to make sure I eat plenty of fruit and drink water so I don’t have to take any laxatives. The nurse did say, it is common for patients to get this with these tablets.
Today I only took the 1 tablet - clearly a big mistake because I got to the car as I was leaving work and started reaching and wretching. I also had no snacks on me whatsoever, and had to go get Erin from nursery and get her home before I could eat something.
Today is the day I felt the most knackered. By far. Erin has a stinking cold and has still not been sleeping. And tonight is my Christmas party. Typical timing!
Symptoms wise apart from being knackered, I feel okay. My stomach is starting to feel a bit full and uncomfortable so I guess I should probably take some tablets to help maybe with the constipation. Because I have a lush 3 course meal tonight and a dress to wear. But I don’t feel that sick which is a good sign!
Luckily Erin did have a good 3 hour nap today, so I managed to get some sleep too! The other half even said go to bed with headphones in (so uncomfortable) so if she wakes up you can still sleep. What. A. Babe.
Getting ready for the work do was an absolute chore. Putting make up on, drawing eyebrows, making yourself look decent and not spotty is hard work. But it’s my wigs first proper outing tonight, going to leave the headscarf at home!
But here is a pic of me and James all dolled up for the works Christmas do! Which i had such a fun time! I ate lots and danced and partied with my work family!
I must admit wearing a wig is hot work. My head was absolutely sweating all night! Every time I went to the toilet I took it off and let my brain breathe!
I did have a glass of champagne as we arrived and did try a gin, but it gave me such bad heartburn. The oncologist said alcohol on chemotherapy can have weird side effects, so I think it’s fair to say, that gin and me were not friends that night! So I stuck to lemonade and water but had a good time nonetheless!
Until I got home. Then the fun began, because no sooner had we walked in the door. Erin was awake. So from 1am - 3:30am she was not a happy bunny. Work tomorrow is going to be a barrel of laughs!
Work today was not a barrel of laughs! I am so tired, I can’t even think straight. Luckily I’m not working with patients because I would definitely make some mistakes or some fool of myself! I cannot wait to go home at 5 and go straight to bed.. Well as soon as Erin is asleep obviously.
Symptoms wise apart from feeling like I’ve been hit by a bus and knackered I am okay. No sickness, no nauseous feeling but I am incredibly acidy. Which may be the 1 single gin I had last night!
I wish I had the stronger anti sickness tablets when I had the last two double doses because that would of definitely helped me more!
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