PICC line

I’m so over being a failed pin cushion. 
So today was supposed to be the surgery part to have my PICC line fitted. 

A PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) is a long, thin, flexible tube. It is used to give chemotherapy, other medicines (like contrast dye for CT scans) and can be used for taking bloods.
It is supposed to go into a vein above the bend of your elbow and it stays in place until my treatment is over.

The ultrasound that he did to find a vein.
The black mass around the 2nd cross up is
What he was trying to look into!

So because of the nature of my small veins. It wasn’t able to be inserted today. I have to go back on Friday and attempt again. I don’t know what I need to do to be able to get my veins suitable to be big enough. I feel like there must be something I can do? Maybe I’ll just drink a lot more than 3 pints and a cuppa tea. If anyone has any idea then please tell me!!

My arm is killing me! I didn’t feel much as the DR was doing it. I obviously felt the thing they use to tighten the arm, and the local anaesthetic. But then didn’t feel anything else. It’s more achy now as I have been picking Erin up and the anaesthetic is worn off! Only a few war wounds today! 

Excuse the stretch marks 🙄


So today was my 2nd day and 5th attempt and he got it in! Hazahhhhh!

This is Pettigrew the PICC
I’m relieved that he got it in because it meant a treatment is agogo. I don’t know how it makes me feel - I think more scared because this is actually happening. Part of me wants to wake up from this nightmare but it’s actually starting to happen now. The ball is rolling. 
I’m due to see my oncologist on Monday and then I should have a definite plan on dates. 
ECG today as well went alright so it is all green light from now. 

Time to relax now and enjoy my weekend. 
*reaches for gin*


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