1year since chemotherapy

I can’t believe that it has been a year since I had my last chemotherapy. A double whammy of paclitaxol and carboplatin. 1 year. In May it will be 1 year since my radiotherapy ended! But I’ll come to that later! I haven’t been on here much. A lot has happened since I last wrote. I have mainly been trying to recover mentally and physically from all my treatments and trying to get a new normal back. Being back to work and living in our own house that we purchased in October! But with COVID lurking around every corner, I don’t know how you are coping but it’s hard. One minute I get back to work in a routine and then I’m put on furlough because I’m classed as clinically extremely vulnerable. And repeat and repeat and repeat. Periods So safe to say, that my body is back to normal. Like clockwork since summer last year. I have heard that some people have not had a single period since coming off chemotherapy. It still feels good to have periods, but I don’t know how ‘working’...