The deal with radiotherapy is currently this. Normally I would be given 20 sessions. These are spread daily Monday - Friday over 4 weeks. There are new trials that show the same sessions can be done in 5 days worth of treatment. As a result, it’s less time spent at the hospital which is good given current Coronavirus guidelines and me self shielding. The recovery, is all the same, However the dosage is much more stronger. It’s been trialled elsewhere and apparently there is scientific proof the results are the same. However in my hospital it hasn’t been done this way, so I appear to be a guinea pig. From the previous post about my tattooing and the specific ness of the positioning of me, and the degrees of my body etc is basically done again before the actual zapping. So here’s a video of my session. It is 15mins long I appreciate that, but up until 9:15 is the radiographers aligning me up. They then have to leave the room. From about 11:35 is when the machine...